DES Document Center Documents

Document Number Document Title Revision Date





CS-124 Application for IV-D Services/Genetic Testing Agreement (Eng/Span) 12/01/17 Y Y
CS-127-PF Acknowledgment of Paternity (Eng/Span) 07/01/22 Y Y
CSE-0167A Request for Title IV-D Child Support Services and Applicant’s Rights and Responsibilities (English) 01/01/24 Y Y
CSE-0167A-S Solicitud del Título IV-D para Servicios de Sustento para Menores y los Derechos y Responsabilidades del Solicitante (Spanish) 01/01/24 Y Y
CSE-0169A Conflict of Interest/Confidentiality Statement (English) 06/01/21 N Y
CSE-0170A Case Review Worksheet (English) 03/01/24 N Y
CSE-0258A Affidavit of Paternity Rescission (Eng/Span) 12/01/20 Y Y
CSE-0454A Affidavit Supporting Paternity (Eng/Span) 03/01/24 Y Y
CSE-1007A Customer Satisfaction Survey (English) 09/01/19 Y Y
CSE-1007A-S Encuesta de Satisfacción del Cliente (Spanish) 09/01/19 Y Y
CSE-1016A Waiver of Paternity Affidavit (Eng/Span) 06/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1043A What Every Parent Should Know About Establishing Paternity (English) 10/01/19 Y Y
CSE-1043A-S Lo Que Todos Los Padres Deben Saber Sobre el Establecimiento de la Paternidad (Spanish) 10/01/19 Y Y
CSE-1051A How to Apply for IV-D Child Support Services (English) 11/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1051A-S Como Solicitar Servicios de Sustento para Menores Bajo el Titulo IV-D (Spanish) 11/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1061A Establishing Paternity (English) 05/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1061A-S Establecer la Paternidad (Spanish) 05/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1084A How Much Do I Owe (English) 10/01/13 Y Y
CSE-1084AS ¿Cuánto Adeudo? (Spanish) 10/01/13 Y Y
CSE-1091A Notification of Change of Address (Eng/Span) 10/01/13 Y Y
CSE-1129A Electronic Payment Authorization (English) 09/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1129A-S Autorización Para Pagos Electronicos (Spanish) 09/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1156A Affidavit of Receipt of Direct Payments (Eng/Span) 09/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1157A Non-Custodial Parent Request for Administrative Review (Eng/Span) 02/01/20 Y Y

Request for Review of Arrears (English)

10/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1158A-S Solicitud para Revisión de Atrasos (Spanish) 10/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1160A Request to Close Child Support Case (Eng/Span) 10/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1163A Employer Address Information (English) 08/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1165A Acknowledgment Tracking Form (English) 11/01/22 Y Y
CSE-1168A Agreement to Accept Service by Mail-TANF Workshops (English) 09/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1171A Affidavit of Financial Information (Eng/Span) 04/01/18 Y Y
CSE-1177A How to Make Your IV-D Child Support Payment (Eng/Span) 06/01/24 Y Y
CSE-1178A Child Support Modification Packet (English) 05/01/22 Y Y
CSE-1178A-S Paquete de Modificación de Sustento para Menores (Spanish) 05/01/22 Y Y
CSE-1185A Affidavit of Credible Person Identifying Affiant (Eng/Span) 07/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1196A Notification of Employment Termination (English) 09/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1204A Custodial Parent Return Letter (English) 09/01/23 N Y
CSE-1204A-S Carta de Respuesta para los Padres con Custodia (Spanish) 09/01/23 N Y
CSE-1209B How to Make a Payment (English) 06/01/24 Y Y
CSE-1212A Request for Translation Services (English) 09/01/21 N Y
CSE-1225A Attention All Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (English) 02/02/23 Y Y
CSE-1225A-S ¡Atención a Todos los Abuelos Que Crian a Sus Nietos (Spanish) 02/02/23 Y Y
CSE-1229A GED Back-To-School Incentive Program (Eng/Span) 08/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1232A Referral to Provider (Eng/Span) 08/01/18 N Y
CSE-1240A Parenting Time Pima County Trifold (English) 06/01/16 Y Y
CSE-1240A-S Tiempo de Crianza - Condado de Pima (Spanish) 06/01/16 Y Y
CSE-1240B Parenting Time - Pinal County (English) 08/01/15 N Y
CSE-1240B-S Tiemp de Crianza (Spanish) 08/01/15 N Y
CSE-1240C Parenting Time Maricopa County (English) 09/01/17 Y Y
CSE-1240C-S Tiempo de Crianza - Condado de Maricopa (Spanish) 09/01/17 Y Y
CSE-1246A Child Support Services Overview (English) 02/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1246A-S Visión General del Programa de Servicios de Sustento para Menores (Spanish) 02/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1246B Child Support Services Program Overview (Eng/Span) 02/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1249A Father Matters Referral (English) 04/01/17 Y Y
CSE-1250A Does Your Child Have Two Legal Parents? (English) 09/01/15 N Y
CSE-1250A-S ¿Tiene su Nino a Dos Padres legales? (Spanish) 09/01/15 N Y
CSE-1251A Fact Sheet for Minor Parents (Eng/Span) 07/01/19 Y Y
CSE-1276A Hardship Program Flyer (Eng/Span) 02/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1277A Return Documents Form (English) 09/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1281A Agreement to Accept Service by Mail Paternity or Establishment (Eng/Span) 09/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1284A Parent’s Agreement to be Bound by Genetic Test Results (Eng/Span) 02/01/18 Y Y
CSE-1290A Caretakers Statement Regarding Physical Custody of a Child (English) 10/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1290A-S Declaración del Cuidador Referente a la Custodia Física de un Menor o Menores (Spanish) 10/01/23 Y Y
CSE-1291A Verification of Payment Status-Immigration Service Request (English) 09/01/23 N Y
CSE-1299A DCSS Resource Customer Guide (English) 06/01/24 Y Y
CSE-1299A-S Guía de Recursos para el Cliente de la DCSS (Spanish) 06/01/24 Y Y
CSE-1306A Father's Declaration Supporting Paternity (Eng/Span) 07/01/19 N Y
CSE-1312A Child Support and Employers (Postcard) (English) 01/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1312A-S Sustento para Menores y Empleadores (Postal) (Spanish) 01/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1313A Child Support and Employers (Flyer) (English) 01/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1313A-S Sustento para Menores y Empleadores (Volante) (Spanish) 01/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1314A Child Supplemental Page (Eng/Span) 06/01/20 Y Y
CSE-1315A Federal Form - General Testimony (English) 01/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1315B Federal Form - General Testimony Instructions (English) 01/01/21 Y Y
CSE-1318A TANF Child Supplemental Page (Eng/Span) 06/01/22 Y Y
CSE-1319A AZCARES Employer Portal (English) 05/01/24 Y Y
CSE-1319A-S AZCARES Employer Portal (Eng/Span) 05/01/24 Y Y
DCS-1329A Child Support Services Outreach Card (English) 05/01/19 N Y
DCS-1339A Request for Administrative Review (Seizure of Property) (English) 06/01/22 Y Y
DCS-1339A-S Solicitud de Revisión Administrativa (Incautación de Propiedad) (Spanish) 06/01/22 N Y
DCS-1366A AZCARES Customer Portal Acess Guide (English) 01/01/24 Y Y
DCS-1366A-S AZCARES Customer Portal Acess Guide (Spanish) 01/01/24 Y Y
DES-1139A Services Provided by DES (English) 05/01/24 Y Y
DES-1139A-S Servicios y Programas del DES (Spanish) 05/01/24 Y Y
DES-1254A DES Programs and Services List (English) 03/01/23 Y Y
DES-1254A-S Lista de Programas y Servicios de DES (Spanish) 03/01/23 Y Y
FAA-1642A Continue Child Support Services (Eng/Span) 08/01/18 Y Y

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